What I've learned

Somehow, this week I finished my 100th book in 2021. A couple of years ago, if I read even two books in a year, that was unheard of. I still can't believe that I was able to achieve this goal - it was never intentional. I thought I would share a few things that I've learned from being able to read this amount. There's another post on how to make more time to read if you're interested!
I also want to stress that you should not compare how much you read to others. If you only read one book in a year but truly loved it, that is just as valuable. The reading goal you set is personal to you and you don't have to justify it to others.
1. Fiction is just as valuable as Non-Fiction

I'm sure you guys all know this but sometimes new bookworms can feel pressured into thinking that you can only learn from non-fiction.
Although there are so many brilliant non-fiction books, you shouldn't underestimate the value of fiction.
Non-fiction is great for learning but sometimes what we want most from books is to escape. Especially during my final year as an undergrad, the last thing I needed after a long day of research was to read more books on critical thinking. Reading is also about unwinding and diverting your attention to another world. Connecting to characters and feel invested in a fictional world makes the whole reading process so much more appealing.
If all you read are fantasy books, that's awesome! If you only like to read murder mysteries or rom-coms, that's also brilliant. You don't have to justify your choice of genre to others. Although there is so much value in non-fiction, don't pressure yourself to exclusively read this genre.
2. Reading Slumps Happen! Don't worry about it

I've said this so many times! If anyone ever tries to tell you that they don't experience reading slumps, they're not being honest.
It happens a lot when I finish a crap book. I just switch off from reading for a while. There's no magic way to break out of this but the best advice I could give is to honestly don't beat yourself up about it. The books on your shelf aren't going anywhere.
Sometimes shorter books (less than 200 pages) can be helpful if you want to try to
break out of the slump. But honestly, it happens to everyone. We're not machines. Like with studying, sometimes you might even need a little break to get the most out of the next read!
Reading slumps don't last forever - so try not to worry about it too much:)
3. Don't Be Afraid to Disagree!

Like me, you guys probably use GoodReads or StoryGraph to track the books you want to read.
I often use my Instagram to rate and review the books I read. What I've learned most is that you should not be afraid to give your honest thoughts. If you read a popular book but hated it, it's ok to say that. (Don't be overly cruel or personal though - it's important to still be respectful.)
I use to worry about giving my real thoughts about a book because everyone seemed to have loved it. I assumed I was in the wrong. However, over time, I'm becoming more confident in giving my honest thoughts about books. Your opinion is yours. If you hated the book, that's ok.
For example, I did not enjoy The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. However, pretty much everyone I knew gave it five stars. The thing is, the book community would be extremely boring if everyone loved the same stuff.
Ultimately, the best advice I could give is to prioritise books that you enjoy. If you've tried classics and don't like them, don't make yourself read more. We all read and enjoy different things and that's just fine. The moment I stopped caring what I "should" be reading, it made all the difference!
If you want to explore my TBR on my GoodReads, the link will be below.