Reading Apps?
A great way to keep up with reading is to have a reading app. Not only can you track the books you've read, you often receive recommendations based on your books. I thought I would put together all the reading apps I have personally used with all of their perks! All of these apps are completely free to use.
This is a very friendly reading app to use. What's cool about this one is that all of your books are broken down into different genres. You can see a lot of stats about your personal reading habits!
This is what you will find on your home page. As you can see, it has a note of all the books I am currently reading.
Furthermore, there is an option to explore different book recommendations based on your previous reads. The more books you log onto StoryGraph, the more recommendations you will receive (they will also be more accurate)
There are only four main icons at the bottom which makes this happy so easy to use. The pie chart button (second to the left) is where you can see all of your reading stats.
The community button (second to the right) is where you can connect with your fellow bookworms!
Finally, the last button to the right is just for you to view your profile - you can update it as frequently as you want!
I'll show you what my reading stats look like to illustrate
These are just a few examples! After using the app for a few months, I could see all the different genres, formats and average page numbers for all of my books. Yours will probably look very different to mine but it's cool to see what your reading habits are like.
There's also an option of "did not finish" for books you want to DNF!
I highly recommend checking out their Instagram
If you are interested in trying out this app, follow the link below
This is a relatively new book app so if you want to join, I recommend adding yourself to their waiting list or, follow their Instagram for updates on invites
I think what I love most about this app is its highlight feature. You can easily scan a page of a book to note down any of your favourite quotes - no need to type it all out!
I love the minimalist design and how easy the app is to navigate. These are just examples from my account. With highlight quotes, you can add details from page numbers to your thoughts.
Another feature I love is all the different book clubs! There's such a wide variety of ones you can choose from and they are set up by fellow users of the app.
For example, this is the club I set up with Liberal. It's called Thriller Time and we all just chat about different thriller books and give our own recs!
If this app sparks your interest, check it out on the link below
I feel like if anyone has any reading app, it's usually this one! What's great about GoodReads is that all your data can be transferred to apps like StoryGraph so you won't have to log in to all your books again.
I just love going on the Discover Page as you can receive so many recs based on your previous reads. Furthermore, the reading challenges are always fun.
It's so straightforward to use.
My ongoing reading challenge for 2021 - I can't remember the last time I read this much!
You can easily scan your books to avoid having to type very long titles. Barcodes aren't a necessity - just scan the cover!
You can easily change the books you're reading to certain editions as well as track your progress - you can do this by adding what page number you're on.
Want to keep track of your endless TBR? You can just scan a book in a bookshop and add it to the list of books you want to read soon!
There's an opportunity to customise your bookshelves.
You can easily stay up to date with everything involving GoodReads by following their Instagram
If you want to sign up with this app, just follow the link below
I hope this has been useful if you're trying to decide what reading app to use! (I use all three)
Happy Reading!